Corruption Watch

Covid-19 and corruption – two risks, one opportunity

Depiction of Covid-19 virus

By Peter Glover
First published on the Global Anti-corruption Blog

The immediate consequences of Covid-19 are visible and visceral for everybody, even as some feel the effects more than others. In addition to reshaping everyday life, Covid-19 will also transform global governance – including with respect to corruption and related issues. In this post I want to emphasise three ways that the Covid-19 pandemic will interact with corruption:

At this early stage, it is unclear what the net impact of the Covid-19 pandemic will be on governance quality in the longer term. While corruption may undermine government responses to the crisis, and the crisis may erode institutional checks and give rise to new forms of corruption, the crisis may also be a catalyst for the adoption of new mechanisms that will help combat corruption through greater transparency and accountability. To increase the likelihood that the good effects outweigh the bad, pro-democracy and anticorruption advocates and activists have their work cut out for them.

Peter Glover is program officer for the Center for International Private Enterprise’s Anti-Corruption and Governance Center.

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