
State capture whistle-blowers hailed on 23 June

Every year on 23 June we remember whistle-blowers around the world who have braved threats to their lives and livelihoods to expose corruption on both small and large scales. We also reflect on what we, as a society and as individuals, are doing to make the environment for blowing the whistle more enabling and encouraging. Read more >

In a true democracy, citizens hold the power

By Themba MasekoFirst published on News24 At the end of May, the nation is expected to conduct an introspection about the numerous crises facing the country. These crises include rising levels of poverty, inequality, unemployment, crime, an energy crisis, and a loss of confidence in the state’s capacity to fulfil its electoral and constitutional mandate.  Read more >

Fighting corruption is everyone’s business and we should all dig in

By Kavisha PillayFirst published on Daily Maverick This year marks 30 years since South Africa became a constitutional democracy, and with that, we should reflect on the many positives that have been ushered in and implemented during this period. Our democracy, though fragile and at risk in many instances, still has the potential to improve Read more >

CW looks forward to a changed landscape 30 years into democracy

Corruption Watch (CW) releases today its 12th annual corruption report, titled Changing the Landscape, just a few months ahead of one of the most critical turning points in the country’s post-democratic history. Presented during an election year, this report bears stark witness to the path South Africa finds itself on after 30 years of democracy, Read more >

CW to release 2023 annual corruption report on 3 April

Corruption Watch (CW) will release its 12th annual corruption report, titled Changing the Landscape, on Wednesday 3 April 2024. Now in its second decade of existence, CW’s work is more important than ever. Despite the presence of additional players in the anti-corruption space since the organisation’s launch in 2012, the levels of corruption have not diminished – Read more >

It’s time to make restitution for Fishrot, says IPPR

Image: BORGEN Magazine It’s been a decade since Samherji’s former operations director Jóhannes Stefánsson quit his job at the Namibian division of the Icelandic fishing company, to expose what is now known as the Fishrot corruption scandal. Stefánsson, who admits that he was part of the mismanagement until his conscience got the better of him, Read more >

ED’s end-of-year message to all CW supporters

Corruption Watch’s executive director Karam Singh shares his thoughts and reflections on the year now all but behind us, in this letter to the organisation’s many supporters. Dear supporter 2023 was an impactful year for Corruption Watch (CW) – not only for our team, but for the country, and all those working to end corruption. The Read more >