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More than 500 cases of corruption were reported to Corruption Watch (CW) during their debut month, the civil society organisation said yesterday.

The organisation that deals with corruption complaints by ordinary civilians from  around the country, said municipalities, traffic officers, and the health sector were repeatedly mentioned in the  corruption cases reported to them within its first month of operation.

CW said about 32% of the complaints received, concerned industrial relations issues, consumer grievances, misconduct by lawyers, municipal mismanagement, and business-to-business fraud.

They said the remaining 25% of cases required further assessment as they were not easy to categorise.

They were service delivery complaints which may be due to badly managed processes or as a result of corrupt behaviour. The complaints were mainly from impoverished communities who are using the various CW communications platforms like the CW website, e-mail, Facebook and the SMS hotline to be heard.

"We would expect to get more information from townships and rural communities as this is where the effects of corruption are felt the most," David Lewis, CW executive director said.

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This article was published in the Citizen on 12 March 2012.


More than 500 cases of corruption were reported to Corruption Watch during its debut month, it was reported in the Citizen.