
Swift action needed on party funding bill

By Judith February First published on EWN The recent brouhaha regarding President Cyril Ramaphosa and the so-called ‘Bosasa campaign donation’ has again put the funding of political parties in the spotlight. It started when DA leader Mmusi Maimane asked Ramaphosa about a donation of R500 000 he had allegedly received from Bosasa’s Gavin Watson. This Read more >

Political party funding to become more transparent

Today the Constitutional Court (ConCourt) handed down judgment in the political party funding-related matter of My Vote Counts (MVC) vs the president of South Africa, the minister of justice, and others. The court ruled that voters have the right to be informed about the sources of the private funding of political parties. In delivering today’s Read more >

SCA throws out Motsoeneng case

SABC COO Hlaudi Motsoeneng has lost yet another bid to appeal against a 2015 Western Cape High Court ruling that found his permanent appointment as COO by the public broadcaster was irrational and should be set aside. The judgment, handed down by the Supreme Court in September 2016, was attached to part B of a Read more >