Mining and tenure security legal framework is overdue for change

A new research report by Dr Aninka Claassens examines several pivotal South African court judgments that guide on the use and interpretation of the major laws governing mining and tenure security in the country, and the way they could and should be read together. Claassens was the founding director of the Land and Accountability Research Read more >

2024 Procurement Watch report unpacks current procurement risk trends

Corruption Watch (CW), partnering again with procurement law expert Prof Geo Quinot of Stellenbosch University, today released the 2024 Procurement Watch Report on Procurement Risk Trends. This is the fourth in CW’s series on procurement risk trends, and presents an analysis of selected forms of procurement data between 2016 and 2024. Previous reports were published in Read more >

New CW report shares insights on perceptions, impact of corruption

Corruption Watch (CW) releases today a new report assessing the profound impact of corruption on people’s lives, titled The Impact of Corruption: Insights from a Perceptions and Experiences Survey. This research study aims to highlight the perceptions, characteristics, and experiences of corruption, and the prevalence of corrupt practices within both the public and private sectors Read more >

Corruption, discrimination and land rights in Sub-Saharan Africa

Source: Transparency International The rising demand for land due to the global food crisis, climate change, rising sea levels, desertification, and extreme weather events, all limit its availability and accessibility. As global crises exacerbate inequalities, people who experience discrimination see their land rights affected the most. An earlier 2021 report by the Equal Rights Trust Read more >

Ramaphosa’s blinkered Tintswalo story omits the challenges facing SA

Image: Flickr/Africa University By Moepeng TalaneFirst published on Maverick Citizen As Corruption Watch releases its annual report, South Africa stands on the brink of its seventh democratic elections, representing what some have described as a second shot at democracy. This implies that the ANC’s 30-year rule has failed to produce a true democracy — but Read more >

CW looks forward to a changed landscape 30 years into democracy

Corruption Watch (CW) releases today its 12th annual corruption report, titled Changing the Landscape, just a few months ahead of one of the most critical turning points in the country’s post-democratic history. Presented during an election year, this report bears stark witness to the path South Africa finds itself on after 30 years of democracy, Read more >

CW to release 2023 annual corruption report on 3 April

Corruption Watch (CW) will release its 12th annual corruption report, titled Changing the Landscape, on Wednesday 3 April 2024. Now in its second decade of existence, CW’s work is more important than ever. Despite the presence of additional players in the anti-corruption space since the organisation’s launch in 2012, the levels of corruption have not diminished – Read more >

Podcasts by Corruption Watch

Corruption Watch podcasts are engaging and topical, covering a wide range of issues, from the Zondo commission and state capture, to land corruption, police corruption, and corruption affecting the youth. Our podcast serials are at the top of the page, while you will find individual or one-off podcasts at the bottom. Our podcast journey is Read more >