
Concourt’s MK judgment is about integrity of Parliament

By Moepeng Valencia Talane The journey to the 2024 elections has presented South Africans with a lot of critical topics to ponder in relation to governance, policy, and the integrity of public office. We have more options in this election than before, and our responsibility in electing who takes this country forward is consequently more Read more >

Support for ConCourt and the law, irrespective of outcome 

We, the undersigned organisations, call on all stakeholders to respect the decision of the Constitutional Court in relation to the Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa’s (IEC) appeal to be heard on 10 May 2024.  The IEC is appealing a recent judgment by the Electoral Court. This judgment overturned the IEC’s decision to uphold an Read more >

State capture: civil society must bridge gap between public and govt

On 25 and 26 October two civil society organisations – the Public Affairs Research Institute and the Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution – jointly hosted a conference to discuss government’s response to state capture and the implementation of the Zondo commission recommendations, made public last year. The event, the second of Read more >

NGOs condemn Motsoaledi attack on HSF

Media statement from Freedom Under Law, Section27, Defend Our Democracy Campaign, Ahmed Kathrada Foundation, SERI and Corruption Watch Three features distinguish our country from many other young democracies: first, respect for the Rule of Law; second, a vibrant civil society; and, thirdly and crucially, a fearless judiciary. This week we saw a glaring instance of Read more >

Dear Mr President, let us help keep the vultures at bay

By civil society organisationsFirst published on Daily Maverick Dear President Cyril Ramaphosa  We, the undersigned organisations, commend you for the decisive action taken over the last few weeks in dealing with the Covid-19 crisis. We note the efforts of the state in placing the health and wellbeing of people at the forefront of decision-making.  However, Read more >


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