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business-text_557aa68b87e34Because we believe that business also has a role to play in fighting corruption, Corruption Watch hosted a colloquium at the GIBS Business School where business leaders came together to discuss ways in which they can help to eradicate the problem.

We’ve put together this handy page for businesses on resources relating to anti-corruption, which will expand in future as new additions are made.

Documents and resources:

Corruption Watch – glossary of corruption terms

The World Economic Forum – Clean Business is Good Business (PDF)

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) – useful documents on bribery and corruption

OECD – key anti-corruption documents

OECD – Managing conflict of interest in the public sector (PDF)

The World Bank – definitions of fraud, corruption, collusion, coercion and obstruction

The World Bank – resources on governance and anti-corruption

The World Bank – listing of ineligible firms and individuals

International Monetary Fund – guide to promoting good governance and combating corruption

International Chamber of Commerce – Anti-corruption clause

Transparency International study – Transparency in corporate reporting: Assessing emerging market multinationals

Transparency International – 2015 Corruption Perceptions Index

ISS Africa – conflict of interest toolkit

Ethic Intelligence – anti-corruption compliance tools

UN Global Compact – Anti-corruption

UNODC – The Fight Against Corruption e-learning tool

KPMG – second Africa Fraud Barometer (or download)

KPMG – Unpacking anti-corruption in Southern Africa

PWC – Confronting corruption: the business case for an effective anti-corruption programme (or download)

Deloitte – Fraud and corruption risk management

Center for Strategic and International Studies – The costs of corruption (PDF)

Business Anti-corruption Portal – anti-corruption tools and resources

Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD – B20 and G20 efforts to fight corruption

The International Anti-Corruption Resource Centre

African Parliamentarians Against Corruption

African Development Bank – Integrity and anti-corruption

AfDB / OECD – business integrity and anti-bribery efforts in Africa

TED – talks on corruption

G20 anti-corruption toolkit for SMEs

Bodies and organisations:

World Economic Forum – Global Agenda Council on Anti-Corruption and Transparency

South Africa – National Anti-Corruption Forum

South Africa – Public Service Commission

Corruption Watch – list of organisations that can help with corruption complaints

Initiatives and conventions:

The World Bank – corruption hotline

KPMG – international corruption hotline

World Economic Forum – Partnering Against Corruption Initiative

OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions

Transparency International – country enforcement of the OECD anti-bribery convention (2015)

UN Convention Against Corruption

SADC – Protocol Against Corruption (PDF)

AU – Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption

Various articles:

World Bank – “Corruption is “Public Enemy Number One” in Developing Countries”

Deloitte – How you can reveal corruption, fraud, waste and abuse in your organisation

Deloitte – African infrastructure boom an opportunity to fight corruption

KPMG – Don’t generalise about corruption in Africa

Reuters – Indian firms perform best in BRICS: corruption watchdog

Other useful information:

BBC – the language of corruption

UN Principles for Responsible Investment – signatories


C5’s fourth forum on anti-corruption, Southern Africa
16-17 September 2014, Johannesburg

UN International Anti-Corruption Day
9 December annually