
Fact sheet on South Africa’s FATF greylisting

South Africa’s national treasury has released a useful fact sheet on the background to and implications of the country’s recent greylisting by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). Titled What does FATF greylisting mean for a country?, the six-page document explains the role of the FATF and the mutual evaluations all FATF members are required Read more >

Has SA done enough to avoid joining the FATF grey list?

By James GeorgeFirst published on Moneyweb It’s a loaded question, and a lot has been done such as President Ramaphosa signing two amendments to our anti-money laundering (AML) and anti-terrorism laws in December last year. The real question, however, is whether these amendments are going to translate into actions being taken. Will we see prosecution, Read more >

Early 2023 commencement for balance of General Laws amendment act

The final part of the General Laws (Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing) Amendment Act is due to commence in the early months of 2023. The General Laws (AML/CTF) bill proposed a sweeping range of integrated reforms to five pieces of legislation which regulated vastly different areas of concern – trusts; non-profit organisations; companies; and Read more >

Urgent need for bill to clarify laws around fake company fronting

By Sanan MirzoyevFirst published on Business Day In February 2023, South Africa will almost certainly be making an unwelcome appearance on the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) roster of greylisted countries — unless “we perform a few miracles”. These were the words of National Treasury’s Ismail Momoniat when he presented a grim account before Parliament Read more >

South Africa must prepare for FATF greylisting, says BLSA report

By David ThomasFirst published on African Business The probability of South Africa being greylisted by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is as high as 85%, according to a report commissioned by Business Leadership South Africa (BLSA) and compiled by analysts Intellidex.  The FATF, an intergovernmental organisation founded to develop policies to combat money laundering Read more >