
Phala Phala noise far from over, as SA awaits Concourt decision

As South Africa waits to hear from the Constitutional Court (ConCourt) if it will accept President Cyril Ramaphosa’s judicial review application of the Section 89 panel report on Phala Phala – for which papers were filed on Monday – his political backers and opponents alike continue to exchange public statements to support their conflicting causes. Read more >

CW calls for full accountability in Phala Phala matter

The outcome of the Section 89 independent panel’s report released on Wednesday, is that President Cyril Ramaphosa has a case to answer when it comes to alleged contraventions of not only the Constitution, but also the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act 2004 (Precca) in relation to the Phala Phala matter. The findings of Read more >

South Africa must prepare for FATF greylisting, says BLSA report

By David ThomasFirst published on African Business The probability of South Africa being greylisted by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is as high as 85%, according to a report commissioned by Business Leadership South Africa (BLSA) and compiled by analysts Intellidex.  The FATF, an intergovernmental organisation founded to develop policies to combat money laundering Read more >

Mosebenzi Zwane, two others arrested as NPA keeps Guptas in sight

Source: Legalbrief The National Prosecuting Authority is injecting new life into its Estina Dairy Project investigation with yesterday’s arrest of former mineral resources minister Mosebenzi Zwane, Sahara employee Ugeshni Govender and a former director of Islandsite, Ronica Ragavan, as it attempts to extradite Atul and Rajesh Gupta on the same matter, while targeting other associates linked to the fugitive family, notes Legalbrief. Read more >

Glossary of corruption-related terms

Glossary of corruption-related terms Do you know your baksheesh from your bribery? Your cronyism from your collusion? Read our evolving glossary of terms relating to corruption to find out what they all mean. Sources:U4 Anti-Corruption Resource CentreTransparency International A A LOOTA CONTINUA ABUSE OF POWER / OFFICE / RESOURCES / FUNCTION ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACCOUNTABILITY Read more >