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Public procurement is a much talked-about term, but is often mentioned in the context of corruption. What is it all about really?
Corruption Watch has recently been involved in a number of investigations that highlight the ease with which tender processes can be tampered – the Mpumalanga circumcision tender, a case involving a massively inflated quotation at a municipality, and the scandal around the construction cartel.
This week we’re focusing on tenders and procurement, and we’ll talk about the different types of tender corruption that are out there, and the factors that influence opportunities for corruption in tender processes, as well as the actors involved in this corrupt activity, red flags and signs of corruption in procurement, and the impact and damage of tender corruption. We'll also highlight extracts from a few of the reports that we’ve received.
Follow our three-part series on this type of corruption to learn how you can spot it and avoid getting caught up in it – our first article is published tomorrow.