
Global private sector concerned about bribery, corruption and tax evasion

A survey of the private sector conducted by the UN’s high-level panel on financial accountability, transparency and integrity (FACTI), reveals that more than 90% of respondents would welcome stronger financial accountability, transparency and integrity regulattions when all businesses are held to the same standards. The survey was conducted anonymously online from 12 to 31 August, Read more >

Mauritius and others under scrutiny for money-laundering

Mauritius, that lazy, friendly little island in the Indian Ocean, beloved of holidaymakers and honeymooners, has a dark side. It is also a favourite haunt of money launderers and tax evaders and in fact, is known as one of the world’s top corporate tax havens. In July 2019, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists’ (ICIJ) Read more >

Corruption hampers growth and development in Africa

By Pregala Pillay and Chris JonesSource: Stellenbosch University African Anti-Corruption Day, commemorated annually on 11 July, wants to give prominence to the anti-corruption fight on the continent, marking an important step towards the Africa we want. It would not be farfetched to assume that we all want a prosperous Africa, based on inclusive growth and Read more >

Corruption doesn’t have a colour

By Adjoa Adjei-TwumFirst published on Modern Ghana Africa has always been perceived by western nations as a corrupt continent, with almost all the international organisations and rating agencies rating the continent as high risk. But the truth is that corruption has always existed in different forms and is not determined by politics or geography. It Read more >

Combating trade-based money laundering

By Jason Kohn First published on the Global AntiCorruption Blog Global trade has quadrupled in the last 25 years, and with this growth has come the increased risk of trade-based money laundering. Criminals often use the legitimate flow of goods across borders—and the accompanying movement of funds—to relocate value from one jurisdiction to another without Read more >

Global clean-up of money laundering

By Rhoda Weeks-Brown First published on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Al Capone had a problem: he needed a way to disguise the enormous amounts of cash generated by his criminal empire as legitimate income. His solution was to buy all-cash laundromats, mix dirty money in with clean, and then claim that washing ordinary Americans’ Read more >