
The economics of corruption

By Zola Valashiya Remember that high school mantra “Crime doesn’t pay” that was constantly drummed into us growing up? Well, here’s the thing – crime is paying, and it is paying big. So much has happened in South Africa lately I cannot emotionally keep up. From grand airport heists to dubious cabinet reshuffles, and a Read more >

A tale of moral shakedowns: #1 – Trouble with traffic

By Zola Valashiya Our socialisation conditions us to be law-abiding citizens. Generally, the majority of South Africans are. Despite the crime rate, despite reports of the blatant looting of public resources by politicians, many of us still remain and aspire to be the model citizen. In a country like ours, where corruption is rife, I Read more >

Working with young minds for change

By Janine Erasmus Final year law student Zola Valashiya is a man with a vision – and that is to get South Africans not just talking to, but communicating with each other. He feels that this is one of the tools that will help us to tackle a particularly prevalent scourge in our society – Read more >