Physician, heal thyself before attempting to heal others of corruption

By Janine Erasmus – CW Voices “Nigeria and Afghanistan – possibly two of the most corrupt countries in the world.” This politically naīve statement (as we shall see) was uttered by then British prime minister (PM) David Cameron ahead of an anti-corruption summit that took place there in May 2016. But having covered and studied Read more >

Enablers galore: the countries that contribute to illicit financial crimes

By Janine Erasmus – CW Voices In part one of our latest mini-series, we posed the question: who are the real corrupt countries in today’s globalised context? We considered factors such as beneficial ownership transparency, the implementation of the African Union Anti-Corruption Convention, and pan-African collaboration in anti-corruption research. The usual suspects such as Nigeria Read more >

Parliament must take state capture complicity criticism on the chin

Image: Flickr/GovernmentZA By Karam SinghFirst published on News24 A strong constitutional democracy based on the model chosen by South Africa requires the legislature to play a vital role, beyond passing legislation, in providing oversight and holding the executive branch accountable. As part of the separation of powers, the legislature plays a vital democratic role in Read more >

The soul of South Africa: corrupt to the core?

By William GumedeThis article is sourced from Wits University website. South Africans are simply not angry enough, protesting enough and shaming the ANC government and leaders enough for their corruption, state failure and decay. Mediocrity, incompetence and callousness by government and elected leaders are now accepted as commonplace. They do not elicit the requisite national Read more >

Stemming the tide of kleptocracy – bold solutions alone not enough

Image: Flickr/sharonkubo By Karam SinghFirst published on News24 We have lived through a democratic transition wherein the rule of law has withstood a vicious battering, and what remains is a weak constitutional order presided over by a deeply compromised and corrupt governing party, writes the author. In the decade since Corruption Watch (CW) was formed, Read more >

Personal integrity is the antidote we need to corruption

By Kavisha PillayFirst published on Daily Maverick Over the past five years South Africa has made significant strides in addressing corruption in the country. We appointed new heads to law enforcement agencies. We established new bodies such as the Investigating Directorate, the Special Tribunal and the Fusion Centre. A commission of inquiry into State Capture Read more >

African journalists are dying. They need the world’s help

By Anas Aremeyaw AnasFirst published in The Guardian A politician being investigated for corruption in Ghana has called for me to be hanged, but with my colleagues I am determined to take on the kleptocrats On Friday 14 April, a team of West Africa-based journalists will arrive in Cameroon, one of the most oppressive countries Read more >

Corruption Watch set to step up the pace of justice

By Mzukisi QoboFirst published on Business Day In 2022 Corruption Watch celebrated a decade of existence. This milestone coincided with the release of the six-volume Zondo state-capture commission report, which detailed the extent to which public officials abused their positions to engage in or facilitate corrupt activities. It also cast a spotlight on how corporates Read more >

We must protect those who fight corruption

By Karam SinghFirst published in The Post In the past few years, South Africa has witnessed a rise in the number of assassinations of individuals working on politically sensitive cases or those involving grand corruption. Civil society and society as a whole must stand firmly together against this growing threat, and the government must turn Read more >