
Corruption is rife in the Covid-19 era. Here’s how to fight back

By Tim HanstadCEO of the Chandler Foundation and co-founder, Landesa The pandemic has created conditions in which corruption can flourish.This can exacerbate and prolong the negative effects of this crisis.Here are three ways to start tackling this issue today. The global pandemic has public health experts and medical providers around the world working overtime. And Read more >

Poor planning for Covid-19 relief funds left municipalities vulnerable to fraud

By Kwazi Dlamini  Auditor-General (AG) Tsakani Maluleke continues to raise concerns with the way local governments have handled the Covid-19 relief funds. Maluleke released the third special audit report on Covid-19 related initiatives, together with the 2019/20 Municipal Finance Management Act report – which we cover in an upcoming article – and 43 municipalities were put under the microscope for several reasons.  They include municipalities which contributed the highest amount for irregular Read more >

SA more worried about corruption than Covid-19, says new survey

Compiled by Luke DanielFirst published on Business Insider South Africa ranks as one of the most worried nations in the world, according to a new international survey. And unlike many other countries, Covid-19 is not the top concern locally, with citizens more concerned about corruption and unemployment than they are about the pandemic. Some 78% Read more >

Covid-19 audit flags weak controls, as expected

The report covers about R69-billion of the R147-billion spending for the period from April – when the R500-billion fund was announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa – to the end of July. It has flagged, so far, glaring signs of trouble: Exorbitant spending against suppliers when compared to their pre-Covid-19 spendingSuppliers used for the first time Read more >

Govt drops ball on Covid-19 relief promises, says BJC

The supplementary budget announced by Minister of Finance Tito Mboweni on 24 June 2020, including a revised fiscal framework and spending plans, reveals that only R36-billion of the much lauded R500-billion economic relief package is new money allocated in the fiscus this financial year. According to Budget Justice Coalition (BJC), this is not even close Read more >

Police reform in South Africa is long overdue

Image credit: Institute for Security Studies By Sabeehah Motala and Melusi Ncala Images of the United States of America burning have dominated headlines these past weeks. The images are seared into our minds, of protest action taking centre stage across the country, and indeed the world, following the killing of George Floyd. Rightfully so, as Read more >

Assault, threats, and the butt of a state gun

Image: GCIS By Valencia Talane NOTE: This article has been updated to reflect new criminal charges brought against four Minneapolis policemen implicated in the death of George Floyd. Initially one officer was charged with third-degree murder but his charge has been upgraded to second-degree, while three more accused of playing a role in Floyd’s death Read more >